Robin Åstedt/projects/gentzensquest/

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Gentzen's Quest

As my bachelor thesis me and my project group was tasked with building a game for smartphones to gamify formal logic. We choose to use natural deduction as the proof method as it works very well for a puzzle game as it encourages exploration. Expressions are represented as cards, which can be combined in various ways to create new expressions. These actions that can be applied on one or more expressions are all logically equivalent to the rules you can apply in natural deduction. So the goal of the project has been that for a given solution to a puzzle in the game, the sequence of actions taken in the game can be translated into a logically sound proof by natural deduction.

My role in the project has so far been almost entirely working on the backend, or from a MVC perspective I was mostly involved with designing and implementing the model and the controller.

Paper: Exploring the Concept of Abstracting and Visualizing Formal Logic Proofs in Games [Coming soon].

Source: GitHub.

Play: Google Play Store.

CopyRight © 2009 - 2024 Robin Åstedt
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